quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2007
terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2007
segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2007
sexta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2007
quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2007
Studies in Conservation, vol. 52, n.º 3, 2007
Está em distribuição o 3.º fascículo de 2007 dos Studies in Conservation.
- Katrien Keune, Jaap J. Boon, Analytical Imaging Studies of Cross-Sections of Paintings Affected by Lead Soap Aggregate Formation, pp. 161-176
- Clare Richardson, David Saunders, Acceptable Light Damage: a Preliminary Investigation, pp. 177-187
- W. Juan, Pau L. Leung, L. Jiazhi, A Study of the Composition of Chinese Blue and White Porcelain, pp. 188-198
- Lukasz Bratasz, Roman Kozlowski, Dario Camuffo, Emanuela Pagan, Impact of Indoor Heating on Painted Wood: Monitoring the Altarpiece in the Church of Santa Maria Maddalena in Rocca Pietore, Italy, pp. 199-210
- Xian Zhang, Karina Corrigan, Bruce MacLaren, Mimi Leveque, Richard Laursen, Characterization of Yellow Dyes in Nineteenth-Century Chinese Textiles, pp. 211-220
- Noriko Hayakawa, Rika Kigawa, Tomoyuki Nishimoto, Kurara Sakamoto, Shigeharu Fukuda, Takayuki Kimishima, Yasuhiro Oka, Wataru Kawanobe, Characterization of Furunori (Aged Paste) and Preparation of a Polysaccharide Similar to Furunori, pp. 221-232
Publicado por
António João Cruz
terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2007
Os pigmentos usados por Henrique Pousão (1859-1884)
Andreia M. Correia; Robin J. H. Clark; Maria I. M. Ribeiro; Maria L. T. S. Duarte, "Pigment study by Raman microscopy of 23 paintings by the Portuguese artist Henrique Pousão (1859-1884)", Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 38(11), 2007, pp. 1390-1405.
Twenty-three paintings by Henrique Pousão - a 19th century Portuguese painter - belonging to the collection of Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, Porto, Portugal, were analysed by Raman microscopy. The fine focus of a 100× objective allowed the visualisation and individual identification of small grains. As a result, thirty-seven compounds, namely, anatase, barium white, basic lead sulfate, brochantite, cadmium red, cadmium yellow, calcium carbonate, carbon-based black, celadonite, chrome green, chrome orange, chrome yellow, cobalt blue, cochineal lake, copper sulfide, emerald green, iron(III) oxyhydroxide, iron(III) oxide, kaolinite, lead antimonate yellow, lead carbonate, lead white, lead sulfate, madder lake, malachite, Prussian blue, quartz, realgar/pararealgar, red lead, rutile, Scheele's green, strontium yellow, ultramarine blue, vermilion, viridian, zinc white and zinc yellow, were identified. Not all these compounds are pigments; some are extenders, others trace components and others probably products of reactions between pigments. Special attention was given to the Raman characterisation of celadonite, chrome orange, basic lead sulfate and lead antimonate yellow. Complementary techniques were used to confirm the identities of certain pigments and to characterise reference samples. Pousão, whose work has not previously been studied spectroscopically, was found to have used a remarkably wide range of pigments over his painting periods, without showing significant preference for any particular set of pigments.
Disponível em http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jrs.1786.
Publicado por
António João Cruz
segunda-feira, 22 de outubro de 2007
e_conservation Magazine, n.º 1, 2007
Saiu o primeiro número de e_conservation Magazine, uma publicação já estava anunciada há algum tempo.
Com edição apenas em formato electrónico, está livremente disponível para download em http://www.e-conservationline.com.
Publicado por
António João Cruz
domingo, 21 de outubro de 2007
segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2007
National Gallery Technical Bulletin, vol. 28, 2007
Já está em distribuição o volume de 2007 do National Gallery Technical Bulletin.
- Simona Di Nepi, Ashok Roy, Rachel Billinge, Bernardo Daddi's Coronation of the Virgin: The Reunion of Two Long-Separated Panels, pp. 4-25
- Jill Dunkerton, Tintoretto's Underdrawing for Saint George and the Dragon, pp. 26-35
- Paul Joannides, Jill Dunkerton, A Boy with a Bird in the National Gallery: A Titian Puzzle, pp. 36-57
- Ashok Roy, Monet's Palette in the Twentieth Century: Water-Lilies and Irises, pp. 58-68
- Jo Kirby, Marika Spring, Catherine Higgitt, The Technology of Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Red Lake Pigments, pp. 69-95
Publicado por
António João Cruz
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