Já há algum tempo que foi publicado o seguinte livro:
Jan Válek, John J. Hughes, Caspar J. W. P. Groot (ed.), Historic Mortars. Characterisation, Assessment and Repair, Dordrecht, Springer, 2012.
Está disponível aqui, mas com acesso reservado.
Reúne as comunicações apresentadas no 3.º encontro de uma série que teve início no LNEC, em Lisboa (HMC 2008).
Algumas comunicações do 1.º encontro (Lisboa, 2008) foram publicadas nas revistas Conservar Património (n.º 7 e n.8, 2008) e International Journal of Architectural Heritage (vol. 4, n.º 2, 2010) e as comunicações do 2.º encontro (Praga, 2010) foram publicadas em volume digital que está disponível aqui com acesso livre (após registo gratuito).
- Jan Válek, John J. Hughes, Caspar J.W.P. Groot, Historic Mortars: Characterisation, Assessment and Repair. A State-of-the-Art Summary, p. 1
- Cornelia Marinowitz, Claudia Neuwald-Burg, Matthias Pfeifer, Historic Documents in Understanding and Evaluation of Historic Lime Mortars, p. 15
- Maria Philokyprou, The Earliest Use of Lime and Gypsum Mortars in Cyprus, p. 25
- Jean-Pierre Letourneux, Serge Feneuille, Mineralogical and Microstructural Analysis of Mortars from Kushite Archaeological Sites, p. 37
- Marie D. Jackson, Gabriele Vola, Dalibor Všianský, John P. Oleson, Barry E. Scheetz, Christopher Brandon, Robert L. Hohlfelder, Cement Microstructures and Durability in Ancient Roman Seawater Concretes, p. 49
- Sölve Johansson, Jan Erik Lindqvist, Historic Mortars with Burned Alum Shale as an Artificial Pozzolan, p. 77
- Johannes Weber, Karol Bayer, Farkas Pintér, Nineteenth Century "Novel" Building Materials: Examples of Various Historic Mortars Under the Microscope, p. 89
- Anja Diekamp, Roland Stalder, Jürgen Konzett, Peter W. Mirwald, Lime Mortar with Natural Hydraulic Components: Characterisation of Reaction Rims with FTIR Imaging in ATR-Mode, p. 105
- Heiner Siedel, Steffen Michalski, Bernd Ullrich, Characterisation of Dolomitic Lime Mortars from the Benedictine Monastery in Riesa, Saxony (Germany), p. 115
- Jan Elsen, Koenraad Van Balen, Gilles Mertens, Hydraulicity in Historic Lime Mortars: A Review, p. 125
- Teresa Freire, António Santos Silva, Maria do Rosário Veiga, Jorge de Brito, Characterisation of Decorative Portuguese Gypsum Plasters from the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The Case of the Bolsa Palace in Oporto, p. 141
- Cristina Tedeschi, Luigia Binda, Paola Condoleo, Repair Mortars Studied for the Conservation of Temple G1 in M? Son, Vietnam, p. 153
- Dita Frankeová, Zuzana Slížková, Miloš Drdácký, Characteristics of Mortars from Ancient Bridges, p. 165
- António Santos Silva, Giovanni Borsoi, Maria do Rosário Veiga, Ana Fragata, Martha Tavares, Fátima Llera, Belany Barreiros, Telma Teixeira, Diagnosis, Characterisation and Restoration of the Internal Renders of Santíssimo Sacramento Church in Lisbon, p. 175
- Alan M. Forster, Masonry Repair Options and Their Philosophical Ramifications, p. 197
- Maria do Rosário Veiga, Conservation of Historic Renders and Plasters: From Laboratory to Site, p. 207
- Albert Jornet, Cristina Mosca, Giovanni Cavallo, Guido Corredig, Comparison Between Traditional, Lime Based, and Industrial, Dry Mortars, p. 227
- Christine Bläuer, Hermann Häberli, Annette Löffel, Bénédicte Rousset, Repair Mortars for the Sandstones of the Cathedral of Berne, p. 239
- Myriam Bouichou, Elisabeth Marie-Victoire, Emmanuel Cailleux, Denis Sommain, Compatibility of Repair Mortars with Nineteenth Century Natural Cement Cast Stone from the French Rhône-Alpes Region, p. 247
- Caspar J.W.P. Groot, Jos Gunneweg, Two Views on Dealing with Rain Penetration Problems in Historic Fired Clay Brick Masonry, p. 257
- Jan Válek, Tomáš Matas, Experimental Study of Hot Mixed Mortars in Comparison with Lime Putty and Hydrate Mortars, p. 269
- Dorn Carran, John Hughes, Alick Leslie, Craig Kennedy, The Effect of Calcination Time upon the Slaking Properties of Quicklime, p. 283
- Christophe Gosselin, Karen L. Scrivener, Steven B. Feldman, Wolfgang Schwarz, The Hydration of Modern Roman Cements Used for Current Architectural Conservation, p. 297
- Ioannis Karatasios, Maria Amenta, Maria Tziotziou, Vassilis Kilikoglou, The Effect of Relative Humidity on the Performance of Lime-Pozzolan Mortars, p. 309
- Deborah Klein, Sonja Haas, Sven-Olaf Schmidt, Bernhard Middendorf, Morphological and Chemical Influence of Calcium Hydroxide on the Plasticity of Lime Based Mortars, p. 319
- Roel Hendrickx, Staf Roels, Koenraad Van Balen, Water Transport Between Mortar and Brick: The In fl uence of Material Parameters, p. 329
- Claudia Neuwald-Burg, Matthias Pfeifer, Problems in the Assessment of the Stress-Strain Relationship of Masonry, p. 343
- Adrian Costigan, Sara Pavía, Influence of the Mechanical Properties of Lime Mortar on the Strength of Brick Masonry, p. 359
- Mike Lawrence, Pete Walker, Zhaoxia Zhou, Influence of Interfacial Material Pore Structure on the Strength of the Brick/Lime Mortar Bond, p. 373
- Ioanna Papayianni, Maria Stefanidou, Vasiliki Pachta, Grouts for Injection of Historical Masonries: Influence of the Binding System and Other Additions on the Properties of the Matrix, p. 383
- Mojmir Uranjek, Vlatko Bosiljkov, Roko Žarnic, Violeta Bokan Bosiljkov, Lime Based Grouts for Strengthening of Historical Masonry Buildings in Slovenia, p. 393
- Dória Costa Portugal, Ana Magalhães, Maria do Rosário Veiga, Characterisation of Mortars Using Drilling Resistance Measurement System (DRMS): Tests on Field Panels Samples, p. 413
- Ana Paula Ferreira Pinto, Rita Nogueira, Augusto Gomes, In Situ Techniques for the Characterisation of Rendering Mortars, p. 425
- Maria Tziotziou, Eleni Karakosta, Ioannis Karatasios, Michalis Fardis, Pagona Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, Georgios Papavassiliou, Vassilis Kilikoglou, Application of 1H NMR to the Hydration Monitoring of Lime-Pozzolan Mortars, p. 435
- Miloš Drdácký, Non-standard Testing in Characterisation and Consolidation Assessment of Historic Mortars, p. 443