segunda-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2007

The Painters' Encyclopaedia

Franklin B. Gardner, The Painters' Encyclopaedia Containing the Definitions of All Important Words in the Art of Plain and Artistic Painting, New York, M. T. Richardson, Publisher, 1891, 427 pp.


The general character of this book is indicated by its title. The several topics are treated with a view to technically instruct those who desire to make a study of the art of painting as practised in the paint-shops and studios of the United States.

Every effort has been made to ensure scientific accuracy in all the statements made. The knowledge acquired during a close connection with the business for thirty-five years is embodied in these pages. The  employment of engravings, wherever it was deemed  necessary to more fully explain the letter-press, will  be found to add greatly to the value of the work as an  instructor, while the many extended articles, mostly  original, will, it is believed, be interesting even to  those who read only for pleasure, or for information on  general topics.

Care has been taken to make the book one easy of consultation, virtually, a Dictionary in one alphabet, readily distinguishable from a collection of exhaustive treatises, and as such it is submitted by the Author.

Está disponível na íntegra aqui.


Anónimo :

A internet proporciona imensas ferramentas, incluindo a disponibilização de livros na integra. Excelente referência bibliográfica. Bastant útil.
Ana Carvalho