As cores, o que significam e como as obter
Acabou de ser publicado:
Anne Varichon, Colors. What they mean and how to make them, New York, Abrams, 2006.
- Creation myths
- A celestial whiteness
- The pilgrim’s white habit
- Milk white
- Passages
- Gray hair, the shroud, and beyond
- The overwhelming desire for white
- Numerous yellow pigments
- A profusion of yellow dyes
- With a color ranging from honey to sulphur
- A slow rehabilitation
- The redness of fertility
- Protective red
- The red of battle
- Red privilege
- The red of gods
- Red an death
- Purple
- Violet textiles made without murex
- Violets in art
- A blue planet?
- Where blue is rare!
- The mystery of the blue vats
- Blue dread
- The triumphant destiny of blue in the west
- Blue, the yellow
- Is the grass always green?
- From power to a cruel destiny
- Green’s slow redemption in the west
Brown and black
- The edges, limbo, spirits, and death
- Painting the darkness
- Black ink
- The difficulty of black dyes
- Black on the skin
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