Prevenção dos danos no património construído devido à cristalização de sais através do uso de inibidores de cristalização
Está livremente disponível online a seguinte tese de doutoramento:
Encarnación Mª Ruiz Agudo, Prevención del daño debido a la cristalización de sales en el patrimonio histórico construido mediante el uso de inhibidores de la cristalización, Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2007.
Está disponível aqui.
The objectives of this thesis can be summarized in three points:
- to shed some light on the ultimate causes and mechanisms of salt damage to porous ornamental stone.
- to gain a better understanding of the interactions salt crystal-organic molecules, and to give a general model for this interaction.
- to develop a new method based in the use of crystallization inhibitors for the prevention of salt damage to the built cultural heritage, assessing the potential of this new approach but also its risks and limitations.
To reach these objectives, three main groups of tasks have been carried out: (i) damage documentation and salt characterization in case studies (San Jerónimo Monastery, Granada), (ii) laboratory study and molecular modelling of the interaction organic additives- salts, as well as study of the interaction salts-organic additives substrate (limestone) and (iii) in situ application and evaluation of the proposed treatment.
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