quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010

Journal of Cultural Heritage, vol. 11, n.º 1, 2010

Acabou de sair o primeiro número de 2010 da revista Journal of Cultural Heritage.

Os artigos estão disponíveis aqui. Presentemente o acesso a este número da revista é livre.


  • Pedro Martín Lerones, José Llamas Fernández, Álvaro Melero Gil, Jaime Gómez-García-Bermejo, Eduardo Zalama Casanova, A practical approach to making accurate 3D layouts of interesting cultural heritage sites through digital models, pp. 1-9
  • Barbara Lubelli, Rob P.J. van Hees, Desalination of masonry structures: Fine tuning of pore size distribution of poultices to substrate properties, pp. 10-18
  • Douglas Goltz, Michael Attas, Gregory Young, Edward Cloutis, Maria Bedynski, Assessing stains on historical documents using hyperspectral imaging, pp. 19-26
  • Ana Claro, Maria J. Melo, J. Sérgio Seixas de Melo, van den Berg, Klaas Jan, Aviva Burnstock, Meredith Montague, Richard Newman, Identification of red colorants in van Gogh paintings and ancient Andean textiles by microspectrofluorimetry, pp. 27-34
  • Rebecca Ploeger, Dominique Scalarone, Oscar Chiantore, Non-invasive characterisation of binding media on painted glass magic lantern plates using mid-infrared fibre-optic reflectance spectroscopy, pp. 35-41
  • Fabio Bruno, Stefano Bruno, Giovanna De Sensi, Maria-Laura Luchi, Stefania Mancuso, Maurizio Muzzupappa, From 3D reconstruction to virtual reality: A complete methodology for digital archaeological exhibition, pp. 42-49
  • Teresa Espejo, Adrian Duran, Ana Lopez-Montes, Rosario Blanc, Microscopic and spectroscopic techniques for the study of paper supports and textile used in the binding of hispano-arabic manuscripts from Al-Andalus: A transition model in the 15th century, pp. 50-58
  • Leo Pel, Alison Sawdy, Victoria Voronina, Physical principles and efficiency of salt extraction by poulticing, pp. 59-67
  • Gian Piero Lignola, Emidio Nigro, Edoardo Cosenza, Seismic vulnerability of natural stone pinnacles on the Amalfi Coast in Italy, pp. 68-80
  • Jane Hunter, Anna Gerber, Harvesting community annotations on 3D models of museum artefacts to enhance knowledge, discovery and re-use, pp. 81-90
  • Gianna Giachi, Chiara Capretti, Nicola Macchioni, Benedetto Pizzo, Ines Dorina Donato, A methodological approach in the evaluation of the efficacy of treatments for the dimensional stabilisation of waterlogged archaeological wood, pp. 91-101
  • Valeria Daniele, Giuliana Taglieri, Nanolime suspensions applied on natural lithotypes: The influence of concentration and residual water content on carbonatation process and on treatment effectiveness, pp. 102-106
  • Salvatore D'Agostino, Gianni Lombardi, Gianpiero Russo, Carlo Viggiani, Structural engineering and geology applied to the static problems of the Etruscan "Tomba dell'Orco" (Tarquinia, Central Italy), pp. 107-112
  • Carla Balocco, Elena Frangioni, Natural lighting in the Hall of Two Hundred. A proposal for exhibition of its ancient tapestries, pp. 113-118
