sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2012

Conservation Perspectives - The GCI Newsletter, vol. 27, n.º 1, 2012

Já saiu há algumas semanas, mas ficou para aqui esquecida a notícia: a revista Conservation Perspectives - The GCI Newsletter, vol. 27, n.º 1, de 2012, publicada pelo The Getty Conservation Institute, já foi publicada e tem como tema: Photograph Conservation.

Está aqui, com acesso livre.


  • Debra Hess Norris, Martin Jürgens, Nora Kennedy, Bertrand Lavédrine, Paul Messier, From Russia to Laos: Building Global Partnerships To Preserve Photographic Heritage, p. 4
  • Sean Charette, Tram Vo, MEPPI: Preserving the Photographic Heritage of the Middle East, p. 11
  • Dusan C. Stulik, Art Kaplan, Collaborative Research: Working with the Alternative Photographic Processes Community, p. 14
  • Dusan C. Stulik, Art Kaplan, Photographs Under the Loupe of Science, p. 16
  • A Discussion about Photography in the Digital Age, "Technology: No Place for Wimps", p. 19
