domingo, 11 de novembro de 2012

Pinturas atribuídas a Bosch e a Bruegel sob olhares cruzados

Durante estas semanas em que não dei notícias, foi publicado o seguinte livro:

Erma Hermens (ed.), On the Trail of Bosch and Bruegel. Four Paintings United under Cross-examination, London, Archetype Publications, 2012.

O volume resultou de um projecto de investigação da autoria de quatro pinturas com o mesmo tema, projecto esse que incluiu também um sítio na internet que contém, entre outra documentação, reflectografias de infravermelho, radiografias e cortes estratigráficos.


  • Provenance history of Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple, p. 3
  • Bernard Vermet, On the genealogy of a composition: tracing the roots of Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple, p. 11
  • Anne Haack Christensen, Erma Hermens, Greta Koppel, Alar Nurkse, Polly Smith, Hannah Tempest, Jørgen Wadum, Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple: painting materials and techniques in the context of 16th-century Antwerp studio practice, p. 23
  • Aoife Daly, Alar Läänelaid, The dendrochronological dating of three paintings in the style of Bosch/Bruegel, p. 47
  • Jørgen Wadum, Mikkel Scharff, Tracing the individual 'handwriting' of four 16th-century artists through their underdrawings, p. 59
  • Erma Hermens, Greta Koppel, Copying for the art market in 16th-century Antwerp: a tale of Bosch and Bruegel, p. 85
  • Paul Vandenbroeck, The people's vengeance on perfection: on the iconography of Hieronymus Bosch's lost composition Christ Driving the Traders from the Temple, p. 103
  • Hannah Tempest, Alar Nurske, Polly Smith, The conservation and restoration of the Copenhagen, Tallinn and Glasgow paintings: past and present, p. 123
