quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2007

A History of Architectural Conservation

Jukka Jokilehto, A History of Architectural Conservation, Tese de Doutoramento, University of York, 1986

The aim of the study has been to investigate the history and development of major national European philosophies, i.e. those in Italy, England, France and Germanic countries, in respect to historic buildings, monuments and sites, the cross fertilization of these ideas and principles, and their contribution towards an international approach in the treatment of historic structures. Five case studies have been examined in depth for examples in the treatment of historic buildings; these are the Colosseum (Rome), the temple of Athena Nike (Athens), Durham Cathedral (England), Magdeburg Cathedral (Prussia) and the Madeleine in Vézelay (France). The study extends from the Italian Renaissance over to the period following the Second World War, and distinguishes between the traditional approach to the treatment of historic monuments, the ‘romantic restoration’ established in the Italian Renaissance and developed particularly in the nineteenth century (Schinkel, Scott, Mérimée, Viollet-le-Duc), the ‘conservation movement’ emphasizing the material authenticity and documentary value of the monument (Ruskin, Morris, Boito), and the modern conservation theory which is based on a critical historical evaluation of the work of art in its aesthetic, historical and use values (Riegl, Argan, Brandi), and is reflected in the Venice Charter (1964) and in the policy of ICCROM and ICOMOS.

A tese está disponível na íntegra em http://www.iccrom.org/eng/02info_en/02_04pdf-pubs_en/ICCROM_doc05_HistoryofConservation.pdf.
