sexta-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2007

Studies in Conservation, vol. 51, n.º 4, 2006

Poucos dias depois de ter saído o fascículo 3 de 2006 dos Studies in Conservation, está em distribuição o último fascículo desse ano. O índice é o seguinte:

  • Jacques Brunet, Philippe Malaurent, Roland Lastennet, Évolution de l’état hydrique d’une paroi de la Salle des Taureaux de la grotte de Lascaux: conséquences
  • Ann Brysbaert, Lapis lazuli in an enigmatic 'purple' pigment from a thirteenth-century BC Greek wall painting
  • Yoon-Hee Han, Toshiharu Enomae, Akira Isogai, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Satoshi Hasegawa, Jeong-Ju Song, Seong-Woo Jang, Traditional papermaking techniques revealed by fibre orientation in historical papers
  • David Saunders, Rachel billinge, John Cupitt, Nick Atkinson, Haida Liang, A new camera for high-resolution infrared imaging of works of art
  • Panayiotis K. Kavvouras, Marilia Fotopoulou, A note on a simple device for measuring wooden artefact volume
  • Bart Schotte, Annemie Adriaens, Treatments of corroded lead artefacts: an overview
  • Chan Hee Lee, Myeong Seong Lee, Yeong Taek Kim, Jiyoung Kim, Deterioration assessment and conservation of a heavily degraded Korean stone Buddha from the ninth century
