Uma panorâmica da pesquisa actual sobre a conservação da pedra
Segundo a editora, só no próximo mês será posto à venda o livro seguinte:
Eric Doehne, Clifford A. Price, Stone Conservation: An Overview of Current Research, 2.ª ed., Los Angeles, The Getty Conservation Institute, 2010.
No entanto, o livro já está livremente disponível na internet, aqui.
A primeira edição, publicada em 1996, da autoria de C. A. Price, também está disponível online, aqui.
- Stone decay
- Characterizing the stone
- Describing decay
- How serious is it? Measuring the extent and severity of decay
- Causes of decay
- Putting it right: preventive and remedial treatments
- Preventive conservation
- Active conservation: cleaning
- Active conservation: desalination
- Active conservation: consolidation
- Surface coatings
- Do they work? Assessing the effectiveness of treatments
- Characterizing the treated stone
- Long-term performance
- Putting it into practice: conservation policy
- Responsible use of surface coatings and consolidants
- Retreatment
- Recording
- Heritage in stone: rock art, quarries, and replacement stone
- Rock art
- Historic quarries
- Replacement stone
- Doing better: increasing the effectiveness of research
- What is wrong?
- Putting it right
- What has changed? Some thoughts on the past fifteen years
- Conclusion
- References
- Appendix: resources for stone conservation
- Index
- About the authors
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